Filing of PLCB Monthly Malt and Brewed Beverage Reports

This is a reminder that distributors and importing distributors are required to file monthly malt and brewed beverage reports through the PLCB+ website. The PLCB has been making distributors (as well as breweries and others required to file reports) get current with the filing of all malt and brewed beverage reports back to 2017 prior to approving 2021 renewal/validation applications. This includes filing of zero returns if you are not selling at wholesale or to other licensees of the PLCB. If you are not current with your filings, we recommend you start working on getting current as it can be time-consuming to submit the reports. As a further reminder, distributor licensees are no longer required to file monthly Malt Beverage Tax Reports (Form REV-1014) with the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue. Read more about Monthly Malt and Brewed Beverage Reports here: 

Malt or Brewed Beverages Reporting under Act 166 of 2016 | The Malt Beverage Distributors Association of Pennsylvania (