Objectives and MBDA Goals

  • Defeat chain stores’ efforts to enact bill creating “food service licenses” for supermarkets and conveniencestores that would allow them to sell beer exclusively for take-out in any package size of 6 packs or more, alongside other items carried by these stores, and paid for at the same register alongside thoseitems.
  • Allow beer distributors to sell packages of 22 ozs. or more to consumers.
  • Continue to protect our three-tier system.
  • Continue to preserve our Quota Law and Residency Requirement Law.
  • Continue to defeat all legislation that would unreasonably restrict a distributor’s sales and/or hinder your right to earn a living. They include: Food service licenses for supermarkets and convenience stores to sell beer. State and local governments increasing and/or imposing new taxes on distributors. Forcing distributors to take back empties from consumers. Placing additional restrictions on beer advertising. Requiring distributors to register kegs. Permitting interstate alcohol sales

Recent News:

MBDA Elects Officers and Directors

The Association is managed by a Board of Directors who approve all statewide activity including legislation. MBDA thanks our officers and directors for their commitment. They are not paid employees, but give generously of their time to benefit all industry...

2023 MBDA Convention Registration Forms

Convention Newsletter Distributor Registration Form Brewer/Importer/Allied Trade Supplier Registration FormDaily Events Registration Form Make Your Reservations Now! You can pay for your All-Events Registration,and Daily-Events Registration entries online! Purchase...

Convention Registration Forms 2022

Convention-Daily-Events Registration Form Convention-Supplier-All-Events-Registration Form Convention-Dists.-All-Events-Registration Form

MBDA Elects Officers

MBDA Elects Officers At the June 15, 2022 meeting, MBDA directors unanimously elected a full slate of officers to serve for our current fiscal year, July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023.  They are:  President: Frank Pistella, Pistella Beer Dist.,...

Buying Co-Ops for Beer Distributors

Buying Cooperatives by Distributors – In a recent advisory opinion, the PLCB, Office of Chief Counsel confirmed that beer distributors may form “buying cooperatives” with other beer distributors in order to receive the benefit of “special pricing” being offered by...

Contact Us

Malt Beverage Distributors Association of Pennsylvania
PO Box 6, Camp Hill, PA 17011 | 215-732-6258