Here’s what we’ve done to safeguard your business:
- Helped defeat proposals to increase the state excise tax on beer.
- Helped defeat legislation that would have decreased a licensee’s right of appeal.
- Defeated legislation to allow credit sales among licensees.
- Kept mandatory deposit bills and referendums bottled up.
- Blocked legislation to legalize interstate sales of beer.
- Eliminated language from a bill to permit food stores to sell candy that contains liquor.
- Lobbied against legislation to privatize our state store system to benefit only big business.
- Revised the bad check reporting rules.
- Helped secure injunctive relief in federal court against mail-order beer clubs.
- Blocked legislation to allow licenses to be transferred out of county.
- Helped defeat attempts to impose additional restrictions on beer advertising.
- Helped to eliminate the surety bond requirement.
- Assisted in having written opinions of the PLCB made binding on the State Police BLCE.
- Drafted and secured passage of false ID legislation.
- By the Wilsbach decision, secured exemptions for distributors from paying mercantile taxes.
- Blocked legislation to reverse the Wilsbach decision.
- Drafted and secured passage of the Franchise Law.
- Drafted and secured passage of the Territorial Law.
- Promoted and participated in alcohol education and awareness programs.
- Helped to eliminate Special Occupation Tax.
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Contact Us
Malt Beverage Distributors Association of Pennsylvania
PO Box 6, Camp Hill, PA 17011 | 215-732-6258